
Find here the communications of the online conference HEF2021


As invited speaker


Table ronde : Une forêt en libre évolution, un modèle pour la forêt ? IFSA France, Nancy, Avril 2022.


Origine et histoire des forêts. Programme de conférence grand public « Promenons-nous dans les bois », Université du Temps Libre, Université de Lorraine, Mairie de Bitche, Moselle.

Utilisation des ressources en bois pour la production de charbon au cours des derniers siècles dans le Pays de Bitche : Impact sur la dynamique forestière passée et actuelle. Journée des restitution du programme PEPS mirabelle CharPyBi de l’université de Lorraine à Nancy

Origine et Histoire des forêts. Conférence grand public au jardin botanique Jean-Marie Pelt de Nancy.

La magie des tourbières, 20 ans de la Réserve Naturelle du Pays de Bitche. Cinéma-Débat, Wingen-sur-Moder



La dimension temporelle des systèmes écologiques – What time it isPAM4 (Journées du département Écologie des forêts, prairies et milieux aquatiques de l’INRA), Pont à Mousson

Notions de paléoécologie et paléo-environnement. Intervention dans la cadre de l’OHM du Pays de Bitche, Lycée Teyssier de Bitche

Comment les sciences de la nature abordent la notion de sauvage. Samedis Scientifiques du PNR des Vosges du nord. La Maison de l’Eau et de la Rivière, Frohmuhl

Les zones humides : archive du passé, fenêtre vers l’avenir – Ecologie historique des mares du Grand Est. Séminaire du Programme Régional d’Actions en faveur des Mares (PRAM), Lorraine


L’analyse des méga-charbons : une approche au plus près des sols et des paysages. Séminaire du LIVE, Université de Strasbourg


Approches paléoécologiques locales: pour être au plus près de l’empreinte anthropique passée et des enjeux de conservation actuels. Journée d’Ecologie Historique de Lorraine, LIEC-INRA, Metz


Une première histoire des incendies et de l’utilisation des ressources en bois dans les Vosges du nord. Samedis Scientifiques du PNR des Vosges du nord, la Petite Pierre

Contributions des données du passé aux questionnements actuels et aux perspectives d’avenir. Journées Scientifiques de la Zone Atelier Moselle, Nancy, France


Charcoal as a key to multiproxy studies. Key note talk. 6th International Anthracology Meeting, Freiburg, Germany


Contribution pluridisciplinaire à l’évaluation de la naturalité d’un ensemble de sites forestiers en Allemagne, par la reconstruction de l’histoire des feux et de la dynamique forestière – séminaire IMBE, Aix-en-Provence, France


Event based sediment stratigraphy exploiting the anthracological record Soil charcoal analysis: The investigation of the non-linear vegetation dynamics and fire history. Theory, field sampling, microscope identification initiation – Summer School On Geomorphology, Heimbuchtal, Germany


In conferences or workshopes


Robin V, Talon B, Nelle O, Svenning J-C. Holocene biodiversity versus naturalness: a false debate? The contribution of soil charcoal analysis to the assessment of long-term ecosystem dynamics. Anthraco2023 – 8th international Anthracology Meeting. Porto, Portugal.

Oliveira C, Devin S, Robin V. From kilns to legacies in the environment: an interdisciplinary study of historical charcoal production in NW European lowlands. Anthraco2023 – 8th international Anthracology Meeting. Porto, Portugal.

Robin V, Feiss T, Aran D, Levillain J, Dupouey J-L. Holocene dynamics of beech versus oak forest stands inferred by soil charcoal analysis: insights at regional scale. Anthraco2023 – 8th international Anthracology Meeting. Porto, Portugal.

Delhon C, Robin V, Schroedter TM, Thiebault S, Rey P-J. Charcoal across the slopes: 20 years of anthracology on both sides of the Petit-SaintBernard pass (Northern French and Italian Alps). Anthraco2023 – 8th international Anthracology Meeting. Porto, Portugal.

Robin V, Knapp H, Rochel X. Forest history and industrial development interlinks at a territorial scale inferred from an innovative combination of wood and charcoal past use evidence. Anthraco2023 – 8th international Anthracology Meeting. Porto, Portugal.

Robin V, Ritz S, Sztuka J-C, Bouquerel J, Dellinger L. Significant relationship between the shape of kilns and the results of their analysis in a study area of north-eastern France. Anthraco2023 – 8th international Anthracology Meeting. Porto, Portugal.

Robin V, Talon B, Nelle O. Biodiversité versus naturalité : contribution de la pédoanthracologie à la compréhension des mécanismes de dynamiques végétales – Vincent Robin, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Environnements Continentaux. EcoVeg16, Marseille, France


Robin V, Ritz S, Prospective researches on the long-term trajectories of forest ponds in lowland forests in North-Eastern France. SFE²-GfÖ-EEF, Metz, France

Robin V, Knapp H, Gocel-Chalte D, Rochel X, Forest history and industrial development interlinks at
territorial scale inferred from an innovative combination of wood and charcoal past use evidences. SFE²-GfÖ-EEF, Metz, France

Robin V, Knapp H, Badre-Greuzat A, The paleoecological reconstruction of the Machais peat bog (High Vosges France): an outstanding site. SFE²-GfÖ-EEF, Metz, France

Gebhardt A, Poszwa A, Mansuy-Huault L, Robin V, Vrydaghs L, Lorgeoux C, Palaeo-environmental study of two charcoal-hearth soil sequences in the northern Vosges mountains (Bitche, France). SFE²-GfÖ-EEF, Metz, France

Robin V, Projet Energon, transitions énergétiques et reconfigurations des socio-écosystèmes. Séminaire de restitution de l’OHM Pays de Bitche, Bitche, France. Video =>


Robin V, Nelle O. Assessment of past fire regime in northern central Europe based on a multiscale and multi-archive paleo-signal. Anthraco2019, Liverpool

Feiss T,  Robin V, Aran D, Levillain J. Ecological niches of oaks versus beech forest trees documented by pedoanthracology in the Lorraine Plateau (France). A Long-term history. Anthraco2019, Liverpool

Oliveira C, Herrault P-A, Robin V, Devin S. Automatic detection of ancient charcoal production platforms through LiDAR observations: is it an effective method? Anthraco2019, Liverpool

Oliveira C, Robin V, Devin S. Charcoal and coal: charcoal: energy resources with a strong impact on the past environment and ongoing stakes for energy transition. Anthraco2019, Liverpool

Keller B, Robin V, Herrault P-A, Ertlen D, Schwartz D. A charcoal study to better understand lynchet construction and lynchet landscape history. Anthraco2019, Liverpool



Feiss T, Robin V, Dupouey J-L, Aran D, Paul T. Historical dynamics of Quercus spp. versus Fagus sylvatica in forests of the Lorraine Plateau (France) documented by pedoanthracology. SFE² 2018 – International conference on ecological sciences, Rennes, France

Robin V, Dreibrodt  S, Talon B. Soil charcoal analysis of a Mediterranean old-growth forest: historical relict or anomaly? SFE² 2018 – International conference on ecological sciences, Rennes, France

Gouriveau E, Ruffaldi P, Schaal C, Robin V, Duchamp L, Schnitzler A, Walter-Simonnet A-V. Did the past and recent human activities affect the Northern Vosges Mountains ecosystems during the last three millennia? SFE² 2018 – International conference on ecological sciences, Rennes, France

Gebhardt A , Poszwa A, Mansuy-Huault L, Gocel-Chalte D, Robin V, Tegel W. Indicators of past ecosystem dynamic on current soils in Lorraine (France). SFE² 2018 – International conference on ecological sciences, Rennes, France

Knapp H, Rochel X, Robin V. Woodland usage and fuel wood ecology: Linking historical information and kilns charcoal analyses in the northern Vosges (Pays de Bitche; France). SFE² 2018 – International conference on ecological sciences, Rennes, France

Florent P, Robin V, Bauda P. Micro-biodiversity patterns assessment of peat bog in Pays de Bitches (Moselle): consequences of environmental and biochemical changes? SFE² 2018 – International conference on ecological sciences, Rennes, France

Giambérini L, Bachelet Q, Bauda P, Bojic C, Devin S, Gross E, Guerold F, Pauly D, Wagner P, Robin V, Integrated environmental impact assessment of old mining activities along the Upper Rhine. TRAMIN2018, Chambery, France

Robin V, 2018. Contribution de l’évaluation de la continuité spatio-temporelle des socio-écosystèmes aux socles de connaissance des OHM. Séminaire annuel du Labex DRIIHM, Martigues, France


Knapp H, Rochel X, Robin V, 2018. Crossed assessment of the history of the charcoal production and of the wood exploitation in the Pays de Bitche. Séminaire annuel du Labex DRIIHM, Martigues, France

Robin V, Feiss T, Aran D, Cluzeau C, Boulanger V, Paul T, Bonne F, Dupouey J-L. Assessment of the forest history of the Lorraine plateau in high spatial resolution for the identification of the ecological niche of beech versus oak trees. IAVS 61st annual symposium, Bozeman, USA

Robin V, Nelle O, Talon B, Poschlod P, Schwartz D, Bal M-C, Allée P, Vernet J-L, Dutoit T. A comparative review of soil charcoal data: spatiotemporal patterns of origin and long-term dynamics of Western European nutrient-poor grasslands. IAVS 61st annual symposium, Bozeman, USA

Robin V. Observation croisée de l’histoire de la production du charbon de bois et de l’exploitation de la ressource ligneuse dans le Pays de Bitche. Séminaire de restitution annuel de l’OHM du Pays de Bitche, Labex DRIIHM, Bitche.

Robin V, Nelle O. Comparative assessment of various charcoal records on a same site: a way to better tackle past fire regime? European Geosciences UnionGeneral Assembly 2018, Vienna

Gocel-Chalté D, Robin V, Guérold F. Ecological history of four headwater catchments by anthracological analyses of kiln sites in Northern Vosges mountains (France). European Geosciences UnionGeneral Assembly 2018, Vienna

Gouriveau E, Ruffaldi P, Schaal C, Robin V, Duchamp L, Schnitzler A, Walter-Simonnet A-V. Past and recent human activities impacts on Northern Vosges Mountains ecosystems during the last 3 millennia. European Geosciences UnionGeneral Assembly 2018, Vienna


Robin V, Nelle O, Talon B, Poschlod P, Schwartz D, Bal M-C, Allée P, Vernet J-L, Dutoit T. Origins of Western European nutrient-poor grasslands investigated from local to large scales through soil charcoal analyses. 3rdIWP, Limoges, France


Robin V. Dynamiques paysagères Holocène du Pays de Bitche. Séminaire de restitution de l’OHM Pays de Bitche, Bitche, France

Gocel-Chalté D, Robin V, Cairault A, Guérold F., Devin S. Déterminants spatio-temporels de la qualité des cours d’eau dans un contexte de déprise des activités et d’évolution des paysages : rôle des facteurs du passé et enjeux de la restauration. Séminaire de restitution de l’OHM Pays de Bitche, Bitche, France

Gebhardt A, Robin V, Boulanger K, Blaising J-M, Nüsslein A. Variability and spatial extent of drought(s) at the beginning of antiquity in north-east France – Contribution of soil archives to scarce narrative data. Adaptation and resilience to Droughts: Historical perspectives in Europe and beyond. Strasbourg, France

Robin V, Dreibrodt S, Talon B. Origin and history of a Mediterranean anomaly, the beech old-growth forest of the Sainte Baume (France). Into the woods, Padova, Italy


Robin V. Toward a paleo-functional ecology to tackle better the key challenges of conservation. Session : Paleoecology. SFécologie2016, Marseille

Robin V. Naturalness assessment, a tool to link efficiently paleoecology and conservation. Session : Conservation biology, policies and management. SFécologie2016, Marseille


Robin V, Talon B, Dutoit T. Biodiversity, ecosystem services or naturalness: the contribution of historical data. Ecosummit2016, Montpellier, France



Robin V, Nadeau M-J, Nelle O. Multi-proxy assessment of past fire regime and ecosystems response in northern central Europe. 6th International Anthracology Meeting, Freiburg, Germany

Robin V, Dreibrodt S, Talon B. Soil charcoal analysis of a Mediterranean old-growth forest: historical relict or anomany? 6th International Anthracology Meeting, Freiburg, Germany

Robin V, Rüdiger Kelm. Experimental analyze of the taphonomy of soil charcoal assemblages. 6th International Anthracology Meeting, Freiburg, Germany

Nelle O, Jansen D, Robin V, Guggenbichler E, Ludemann T. A kiln site turned upside down: archaeological and anthracological study of a charcoal burning platform (K653) in the black forest, Southwestern Germany. 6th International Anthracology Meeting, Freiburg, Germany

Nelle O, Dannath Y, Dreibrodt S, Jansen D, Lungershausen U, Paysen A, Rickert B, Robin V, Sadovnik N. Woodland from Mesolithic to modern times: a combined approach of anthracology and palynology sheds new light on the vegetation history of Northern Germany. 6th International Anthracology Meeting, Freiburg, Germany

Jansen D, Nelle O, Guggenbichler E, Robin V, Ludemann T. A detailed data collection allows new paths of interpretation – the case of kiln site K653. 6th International Anthracology Meeting, Freiburg, Germany

Sayre M, Contreras D, Robin V. Lessons from the Tello Obelisk- plant use at Chavin de Huantar, Peru. 80th Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, USA

Robin V, Bork H-R, Nelle O. History of land cover change of the Harz Mountains (central Germany), inferred from soil charcoal analysis. International open workshop: socio-environmental dynamics over the last 12 000 years: thecreation of landscapes IV. Session 7: The Holocene history of European mountain landdscapes – Dynamics of the environment, and settlement, resources and subsistence strategies

Dreibrodt S, Robin V, Knapp H. Introduction of the session 7: The Holocene history of European mountain landdscapes – Dynamics of the environment, and settlement, resources and subsistence strategies. International open workshop: socio-environmental dynamics over the last 12 000 years: thecreation of landscapes IV.


Robin V, Bork H-R, Nelle O. Late Quaternary forest and fire history of a Central European low mountain range inferred from soil charcoal analysis. 9th European Palaeobotany – Palynology Conference, Padova University, Italy

Robin V, Nadeau M-J, Oliver N. Multi-proxy reconstruction of past fire regime of northern central Europe: an innovative approach for a detailed assessment of fire history and ecosystem response. 9th European Palaeobotany – Palynology Conference, Padova University, Italy

Robin V, Edouard J-L, Bork H-R, Nelle O. Evaluation interdisciplinaire de la naturalité forestière: le cas d’étude de la forêt de Riesewohld (Schleswig-Holstein, Allemagne). ECOVEG 10 – Ecologie des Communautés Végétales, Université Lyon 1, France


Robin V, Talon B, Nelle O. Soil charcoal analysis: some recurrent questions and attempts of answer. Second International Workshop of Pedoanthracology, Kiel, Germany

Robin V, Nelle O. Charcoal records from natural archives in Northern Central Europe: what do they tell us about past fire regime characteristics and determinisms? International open workshop: socio-environmental dynamics over the last 12 000 years: thecreation of landscapes III. Session 5: wood and charcoal: socio-economic constraints of the resource and environmental indications of a proxy. Kiel, Germany

Contreras D, Robin V, Gonda R, Dal Corso M, Hodara R, Makarewicz C. A Multiproxy Approach to Past Floodplain Usage in the Middle Wadi al- Hasa, Jordan. Association for environmental archaeology – Autumn Conference, Kiel University, Germany


Robin V, Nelle O. Late Holocene man-made fire in Central Europe, quantitative and qualitative comparison of soil charcoal records from local to regional levels. Farming in the Forest, Ecology and Economy of Fire in Prehistoric Agriculture. 3rd International Schöntal Conference, Kloster Schöntal, Germany

Robin V, Talon B, Nelle O. Comparaison de différents signaux anthracologiques, issus de différents types d’archives: vers une reconstruction plus précise de l’histoire des incendies? Conférence Q8 de l’AFEQ, Clermont-Ferrand, France
video (in french):


Robin V, Nelle O. Fire and vegetation history of a low mountain range in central Germany. Conference of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), Bern, Swiss

Robin V, Nelle O., Investigation of the Holocene fire history of Northern Germany using charcoal records with various spatial resolutions and from various archive types: a comparative approach. Conference of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), Bern, Swiss

Robin V, Larsen A, Bork H-R, Nelle O. Soil charcoal analysis: a tool to investigate non-linear abrupt changes in ecosystems. 5th International Meeting of Charcoal Analysis, Valencia, Spain

Robin V, Nelle O. Main data and general insights of recent soil charcoal investigations on nine sites in Central Europe. 5th International Meeting of Charcoal Analysis, Valencia, Spain

Robin V, Nelle O. Assessment of the Holocene fire history of Northern Germany based on various charcoal records, investigated at various spatial scales. 5th International Meeting of Charcoal Analysis, Valencia, Spain


Robin V, Nelle O, Talon B. Assessment of forest stand history using pedoanthracology: a precious tool to definite a forest system “reference”, at the local scale. 7th SER European Conference on Ecological Restoration, Avignon, France


Robin V, Talon B. Anatomical distinction of Larix and Picea charcoal pieces, First International Workshop of Pedoanthracology – “Pedoanthracology and environmental Studies”, Aix-en-Provence, France

Robin V, Nelle O. Fire history assessment at local scale: Complementary usage of pedoanthracology and macro-charcoal analysis – Illustration from North Germany, First International Workshop of Pedoanthracology – “Pedoanthracology and environmental Studies”, Aix-en-Provence, France

Knapp H, Robin V. Charcoal signal from pedoanthracological and charcoal production site samples: a qualitative and quantitative comparison, First International Workshop of Pedoanthracology – “Pedoanthracology and environmental Studies”, Aix-en-Provence, France

Robin V, Talon B, Nelle O., Pedoanthracological contribution to forest naturalness assessment, First International Workshop of Pedoanthracology – “Pedoanthracology and environmental Studies”, Aix-en-Provence, France

Robin V, Nelle O. Charcoal taxonomical assemblages: is it possible to define threshold of identification?, First International Workshop of Pedoanthracology – “Pedoanthracology and environmental Studies”, Aix-en-Provence, France



Robin V, Nelle O. Disturbances and Vegetation Dynamics in Northern Germany as documented by Pedoanthracology. International Workshop of the Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes”, Session 4 “Separating natural and anthropogenic influences in environmental change”, Kiel, Germany

Robin V, Nelle O. Une approche pluridisciplinaire pour une analyse pluridimensionnelle de la dynamique spatiale et temporelle de la biodiversité forestière. International Meeting of the G.M.P.C.A. – Resources, Societies, Biodiversity. Montpellier, France

Robin V. & Nelle O. Holocene forest dynamics reconstruction at the landscape scale: a guideline for sustainable planning. European IALE Conference, Salzburg, Austria

Robin V, Nelle O, Gaillard-Lemdal M-J. The role of fire for the species composition and structure of forests during the last 12000 years: a case study in northern Germany. XIIIth World Forestry Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Robin V, Botta L, Alvitre M, Talon B. Pedoanthracological contribution to forest naturalness assessment: Illustrated by the case of ancient forest study in the French south Alps (Queyras), IVth International Metting of Anthracology, Brussels, Belgium

Robin V, Nelle O. Disturbances and vegetation dynamics in northern Germany as documented by anthracological and dendroecological approaches. IVth International Metting of Anthracology, Brussels, Belgium


Robin V, Nelle O. Charcoals from soil show Holocene vegetation dynamics – pedoanthracology as a contribution to integrated ecosystem research. EURECO-GFOE, Leipzig, Germany


Touflan P, Robin V, Talon B. Old subalpine forests dynamics and history of the southern French Alps. “Changing Land Use and Its Impact On Biodiversity”. Séminaire Franco-Bavarois, Universités d’Avignon, Paul Cézanne et Ratisbonne (Allemagne). Centre de Coopération Universitaire Franco-Bavarois, Ratisbonne (Allemagne)